Category: Short

  • Python tips and tricks

    Introducing jupyter-lab Vim is all fun and games, but for interactivity, storytelling and presenting, or just interactive prototyping, nothing beets jupyter notebooks. Some fine guys have taken it one step further and introduced jupyter lab, which is a wrapper around our beloved notebooks. It offers easier kernel-selection, multi-window notebooks, built-in python consoles and some more.…

  • Short: Schema diagram from an existing sqlite database

    Short: Schema diagram from an existing sqlite database

    I have a sqlite-database which is just a little too big to keep in my head, so I was searching for a way to create a nice diagram from the existing schema. I have been trying a lot of tools, none of them delivered. Now, with version 14.14.01 of schemacrawler, I was able to produce…

  • Groundtruth data for Computer Vision with Blender

    In the video below you can see the sequence of a car driving in a city scene and braking. The layers I rendered out for groundtruth data are the rendered image with the boundingbox of the car (top left), the emission layer ( shows the brakelights when they start to emit light, top right ),…